

    /// <summary>
    /// 距离度量
    /// </summary>
    public enum DistanceMeasure
        /// <summary>
        /// 曼哈顿
        /// </summary>
        Manhattan = 1,
        /// <summary>
        /// 欧几里得
        /// </summary>
        Euclidean = 2,
        /// <summary>
        /// 平方欧几里得
        /// </summary>
        SquaredEuclidean = 3,
        /// <summary>
        /// 最大值
        /// </summary>
        Maximum = 4
    public class DTWHelper
        private readonly int _xLen;
        private readonly int _yLen;
        public double[] _X { get; set; }
        public double[] _Y { get; set; }

        private readonly bool _isXLongerOrEqualThanY;
        private readonly int _signalsLengthDifference;

        private readonly DistanceMeasure _distanceMeasure;
        private readonly bool _boundaryConstraintStart;
        private readonly bool _boundaryConstraintEnd;
        private readonly bool _sakoeChibaConstraint;
        private readonly int _sakoeChibaMaxShift;
        private bool _calculated;
        private double[][] _distances;
        private double[][] _pathCost;
        private readonly bool _useSlopeConstraint;
        private readonly int _slopeMatrixLookbehind = 1;
        private readonly int _slopeStepSizeDiagonal;
        private readonly int _slopeStepSizeAside;

        private int[][][] _predecessorStepX;
        private int[][][] _predecessorStepY;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize class that performs multivariate DTW calculation for given series and settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seriesVariables">Array of series value pairs for different variables with additional options for data preprocessing and weights.</param>
        /// <param name="distanceMeasure">Distance measure used (how distance for value pair (p,q) of signal elements is calculated from multiple variables).</param>
        /// <param name="boundaryConstraintStart">Apply boundary constraint at (1, 1).</param>
        /// <param name="boundaryConstraintEnd">Apply boundary constraint at (m, n).</param>
        /// <param name="slopeStepSizeDiagonal">Diagonal steps in local window for calculation. Results in Ikatura paralelogram shaped dtw-candidate space. Use in combination with slopeStepSizeAside parameter. Leave null for no constraint.</param>
        /// <param name="slopeStepSizeAside">Side steps in local window for calculation. Results in Ikatura paralelogram shaped dtw-candidate space. Use in combination with slopeStepSizeDiagonal parameter. Leave null for no constraint.</param>
        /// <param name="sakoeChibaMaxShift">Sakoe-Chiba max shift constraint (side steps). Leave null for no constraint.</param>
        public DTWHelper(double[] _x, double[] _y, DistanceMeasure distanceMeasure = DistanceMeasure.Euclidean, bool boundaryConstraintStart = true, bool boundaryConstraintEnd = true, int? slopeStepSizeDiagonal = null, int? slopeStepSizeAside = null, int? sakoeChibaMaxShift = null)
            _distanceMeasure = distanceMeasure;
            _boundaryConstraintStart = boundaryConstraintStart;
            _boundaryConstraintEnd = boundaryConstraintEnd;

            _X = _x;
            _Y = _y;

            _xLen = _x.Length;
            _yLen = _y.Length;

            if (_xLen == 0 || _yLen == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Both series should have at least one value.");

            if (sakoeChibaMaxShift != null && sakoeChibaMaxShift < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Sakoe-Chiba max shift value should be positive or null.");

            _isXLongerOrEqualThanY = _xLen >= _yLen;
            _signalsLengthDifference = Math.Abs(_xLen - _yLen);
            _sakoeChibaConstraint = sakoeChibaMaxShift.HasValue;
            _sakoeChibaMaxShift = sakoeChibaMaxShift.HasValue ? sakoeChibaMaxShift.Value : int.MaxValue;

            if (slopeStepSizeAside != null || slopeStepSizeDiagonal != null)
                if (slopeStepSizeAside == null || slopeStepSizeDiagonal == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Both values or none for slope constraint must be specified.");

                if (slopeStepSizeDiagonal < 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Diagonal slope constraint parameter must be greater than 0.");

                if (slopeStepSizeAside < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Diagonal slope constraint parameter must be greater or equal to 0.");

                _useSlopeConstraint = true;
                _slopeStepSizeAside = slopeStepSizeAside.Value;
                _slopeStepSizeDiagonal = slopeStepSizeDiagonal.Value;

                _slopeMatrixLookbehind = slopeStepSizeDiagonal.Value + slopeStepSizeAside.Value;

            //todo: throw error when solution (path from (1, 1) to (m, n) is not even possible due to slope constraints)

        private void InitializeArrays()
            var xLenVal = _xLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind;
            var yLenVal = _yLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind;

            _distances = new double[xLenVal][];
            _pathCost = new double[yLenVal][];
            _predecessorStepX = new int[xLenVal][][];
            _predecessorStepY = new int[xLenVal][][];
            for (int i = 0; i < xLenVal; i++)
                //  Parallel.For(0, xLenVal, i =>
                // {
                _distances[i] = new double[yLenVal];
                _pathCost[i] = new double[yLenVal];
                _predecessorStepX[i] = new int[yLenVal][];
                _predecessorStepY[i] = new int[yLenVal][];
        private void CalculateDistances()
            for (int additionalIndex = 1; additionalIndex <= _slopeMatrixLookbehind; additionalIndex++)
                //initialize [x.len - 1 + additionalIndex][all] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _yLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[_xLen - 1 + additionalIndex][i] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                //initialize [all][y.len - 1 + additionalIndex] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _xLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[i][_yLen - 1 + additionalIndex] = double.PositiveInfinity;
            //calculate distances for 'data' part of the matrix

            var xSeriesForVariable = _X;
            var ySeriesForVariable = _Y;
            //weight for current variable distances that is applied BEFORE the value is further transformed by distance measure
            //var variableWeight = seriesVariable.Weight;
            var variableWeight = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _xLen; i++)
                //Parallel.For(0, _xLen, i =>
                var currentDistances = _distances[i];
                var xVal = xSeriesForVariable[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < _yLen; j++)
                    if (_distanceMeasure == DistanceMeasure.Manhattan)
                        currentDistances[j] += Math.Abs(xVal - ySeriesForVariable[j]) * variableWeight;
                    else if (_distanceMeasure == DistanceMeasure.Maximum)
                        currentDistances[j] = Math.Max(currentDistances[j], Math.Abs(xVal - ySeriesForVariable[j]) * variableWeight);
                        var dist = (xVal - ySeriesForVariable[j]) * variableWeight;
                        currentDistances[j] += dist * dist;
            if (_distanceMeasure == DistanceMeasure.Euclidean)
                for (int i = 0; i < _xLen; i++)
                    var currentDistances = _distances[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < _yLen; j++)
                        currentDistances[j] = Math.Sqrt(currentDistances[j]);


        private void CalculateDistances_Euclidean()
            for (int additionalIndex = 1; additionalIndex <= _slopeMatrixLookbehind; additionalIndex++)
                //initialize [x.len - 1 + additionalIndex][all] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _yLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[_xLen - 1 + additionalIndex][i] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                //initialize [all][y.len - 1 + additionalIndex] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _xLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[i][_yLen - 1 + additionalIndex] = double.PositiveInfinity;
            //calculate distances for 'data' part of the matrix

            var xSeriesForVariable = _X;
            var ySeriesForVariable = _Y;
            //weight for current variable distances that is applied BEFORE the value is further transformed by distance measure
            //var variableWeight = seriesVariable.Weight;
            var variableWeight = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _xLen; i++)
                //Parallel.For(0, _xLen, i =>
                var currentDistances = _distances[i];
                var xVal = xSeriesForVariable[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < _yLen; j++)

                    var dist = (xVal - ySeriesForVariable[j]) * variableWeight;
                    currentDistances[j] += dist * dist;

            if (_distanceMeasure == DistanceMeasure.Euclidean)
                for (int i = 0; i < _xLen; i++)
                    var currentDistances = _distances[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < _yLen; j++)
                        currentDistances[j] = Math.Sqrt(currentDistances[j]);



        private void CalculateDistances_SquaredEuclidean()
            for (int additionalIndex = 1; additionalIndex <= _slopeMatrixLookbehind; additionalIndex++)
                //initialize [x.len - 1 + additionalIndex][all] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _yLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[_xLen - 1 + additionalIndex][i] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                //initialize [all][y.len - 1 + additionalIndex] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _xLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[i][_yLen - 1 + additionalIndex] = double.PositiveInfinity;

            var xSeriesForVariable = _X;
            var ySeriesForVariable = _Y;

            var variableWeight = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _xLen; i++)
                //Parallel.For(0, _xLen, i =>
                var currentDistances = _distances[i];
                var xVal = xSeriesForVariable[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < _yLen; j++)
                    var dist = (xVal - ySeriesForVariable[j]) * variableWeight;
                    currentDistances[j] += dist * dist;
        private void CalculateDistances_Manhattan()
            for (int additionalIndex = 1; additionalIndex <= _slopeMatrixLookbehind; additionalIndex++)
                //initialize [x.len - 1 + additionalIndex][all] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _yLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[_xLen - 1 + additionalIndex][i] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                //initialize [all][y.len - 1 + additionalIndex] elements
                for (int i = 0; i < _xLen + _slopeMatrixLookbehind; i++)
                    _pathCost[i][_yLen - 1 + additionalIndex] = double.PositiveInfinity;
            //calculate distances for 'data' part of the matrix

            var xSeriesForVariable = _X;
            var ySeriesForVariable = _Y;
            //weight for current variable distances that is applied BEFORE the value is further transformed by distance measure
            //var variableWeight = seriesVariable.Weight;
            var variableWeight = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _xLen; i++)
                //Parallel.For(0, _xLen, i =>
                var currentDistances = _distances[i];
                var xVal = xSeriesForVariable[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < _yLen; j++)
                    currentDistances[j] += Math.Abs(xVal - ySeriesForVariable[j]) * variableWeight;

        private void CalculateWithoutSlopeConstraint()
            var stepMove0 = new[] { 0 };
            var stepMove1 = new[] { 1 };

            for (int i = _xLen - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var currentRowDistances = _distances[i];
                var currentRowPathCost = _pathCost[i];
                var previousRowPathCost = _pathCost[i + 1];

                var currentRowPredecessorStepX = _predecessorStepX[i];
                var currentRowPredecessorStepY = _predecessorStepY[i];

                for (int j = _yLen - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    //Sakoe-Chiba constraint, but make it wider in one dimension when signal lengths are not equal
                    if (_sakoeChibaConstraint &&
                       ? j > i && j - i > _sakoeChibaMaxShift || j < i && i - j > _sakoeChibaMaxShift + _signalsLengthDifference
                       : j > i && j - i > _sakoeChibaMaxShift + _signalsLengthDifference || j < i && i - j > _sakoeChibaMaxShift))
                        currentRowPathCost[j] = double.PositiveInfinity;

                    var diagonalNeighbourCost = previousRowPathCost[j + 1];
                    var xNeighbourCost = previousRowPathCost[j];
                    var yNeighbourCost = currentRowPathCost[j + 1];

                    //on the topright edge, when boundary constrained only assign current distance as path distance to the (m, n) element
                    //on the topright edge, when not boundary constrained, assign current distance as path distance to all edge elements
                    if (double.IsInfinity(diagonalNeighbourCost) && (!_boundaryConstraintEnd || i - j == _xLen - _yLen))
                        currentRowPathCost[j] = currentRowDistances[j];
                    else if (diagonalNeighbourCost <= xNeighbourCost && diagonalNeighbourCost <= yNeighbourCost)
                        currentRowPathCost[j] = diagonalNeighbourCost + currentRowDistances[j];
                        currentRowPredecessorStepX[j] = stepMove1;
                        currentRowPredecessorStepY[j] = stepMove1;
                    else if (xNeighbourCost <= yNeighbourCost)
                        currentRowPathCost[j] = xNeighbourCost + currentRowDistances[j];
                        currentRowPredecessorStepX[j] = stepMove1;
                        currentRowPredecessorStepY[j] = stepMove0;
                        currentRowPathCost[j] = yNeighbourCost + currentRowDistances[j];
                        currentRowPredecessorStepX[j] = stepMove0;
                        currentRowPredecessorStepY[j] = stepMove1;

        private void CalculateWithSlopeLimit()
            //precreated array that contain arrays of steps which are used when stepaside path is the optimal one
            //stepAsideMoves*[0] is empty element, because contents are 1-based, access to elements is faster that way
            var stepAsideMovesHorizontalX = new int[_slopeStepSizeAside + 1][];
            var stepAsideMovesHorizontalY = new int[_slopeStepSizeAside + 1][];
            var stepAsideMovesVerticalX = new int[_slopeStepSizeAside + 1][];
            var stepAsideMovesVerticalY = new int[_slopeStepSizeAside + 1][];
            for (int i = 1; i <= _slopeStepSizeAside; i++)
                var movesXHorizontal = new List<int>();
                var movesYHorizontal = new List<int>();
                var movesXVertical = new List<int>();
                var movesYVertical = new List<int>();

                //make steps in horizontal/vertical direction
                for (int stepAside = 1; stepAside <= i; stepAside++)


                //make steps in diagonal direction
                for (int stepForward = 1; stepForward <= _slopeStepSizeDiagonal; stepForward++)


                stepAsideMovesHorizontalX[i] = movesXHorizontal.ToArray();
                stepAsideMovesHorizontalY[i] = movesYHorizontal.ToArray();

                stepAsideMovesVerticalX[i] = movesXVertical.ToArray();
                stepAsideMovesVerticalY[i] = movesYVertical.ToArray();

            var stepMove1 = new[] { 1 };

            for (int i = _xLen - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var currentRowDistances = _distances[i];

                var currentRowPathCost = _pathCost[i];
                var previousRowPathCost = _pathCost[i + 1];

                var currentRowPredecessorStepX = _predecessorStepX[i];
                var currentRowPredecessorStepY = _predecessorStepY[i];

                for (int j = _yLen - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    //Sakoe-Chiba constraint, but make it wider in one dimension when signal lengths are not equal
                    if (_sakoeChibaConstraint &&
                        ? j > i && j - i > _sakoeChibaMaxShift || j < i && i - j > _sakoeChibaMaxShift + _signalsLengthDifference
                        : j > i && j - i > _sakoeChibaMaxShift + _signalsLengthDifference || j < i && i - j > _sakoeChibaMaxShift))
                        currentRowPathCost[j] = double.PositiveInfinity;

                    //just initialize lowest cost with diagonal neighbour element
                    var lowestCost = previousRowPathCost[j + 1];
                    var lowestCostStepX = stepMove1;
                    var lowestCostStepY = stepMove1;

                    for (int alternativePathAside = 1; alternativePathAside <= _slopeStepSizeAside; alternativePathAside++)
                        var costHorizontalStepAside = 0.0;
                        var costVerticalStepAside = 0.0;

                        for (int stepAside = 1; stepAside <= alternativePathAside; stepAside++)
                            costHorizontalStepAside += _distances[i + stepAside][j];
                            costVerticalStepAside += _distances[i][j + stepAside];

                        for (int stepForward = 1; stepForward < _slopeStepSizeDiagonal; stepForward++)
                            costHorizontalStepAside += _distances[i + alternativePathAside + stepForward][j + stepForward];
                            costVerticalStepAside += _distances[i + stepForward][j + alternativePathAside + stepForward];

                        //at final step, add comulative cost
                        costHorizontalStepAside += _pathCost[i + alternativePathAside + _slopeStepSizeDiagonal][j + _slopeStepSizeDiagonal];

                        //at final step, add comulative cost
                        costVerticalStepAside += _pathCost[i + _slopeStepSizeDiagonal][j + alternativePathAside + _slopeStepSizeDiagonal];

                        //check if currently considered horizontal stepaside is better than the best option found until now
                        if (costHorizontalStepAside < lowestCost)
                            lowestCost = costHorizontalStepAside;
                            lowestCostStepX = stepAsideMovesHorizontalX[alternativePathAside];
                            lowestCostStepY = stepAsideMovesHorizontalY[alternativePathAside];

                        //check if currently considered vertical stepaside is better than the best option found until now
                        if (costVerticalStepAside < lowestCost)
                            lowestCost = costVerticalStepAside;
                            lowestCostStepX = stepAsideMovesVerticalX[alternativePathAside];
                            lowestCostStepY = stepAsideMovesVerticalY[alternativePathAside];

                    //on the topright edge, when boundary constrained only assign current distance as path distance to the (m, n) element
                    //on the topright edge, when not boundary constrained, assign current distance as path distance to all edge elements
                    if (double.IsInfinity(lowestCost) && (!_boundaryConstraintEnd || i - j == _xLen - _yLen))
                        lowestCost = 0;

                    currentRowPathCost[j] = lowestCost + currentRowDistances[j];
                    currentRowPredecessorStepX[j] = lowestCostStepX;
                    currentRowPredecessorStepY[j] = lowestCostStepY;

        private void Calculate()
            if (!_calculated)
                if (_useSlopeConstraint)
                _calculated = true;

        public double GetCost()

            if (_boundaryConstraintStart)
                return _pathCost[0][0];

            return Math.Min(_pathCost[0].Min(), _pathCost.Select(y => y[0]).Min());

        public Tuple<int, int>[] GetPath()

            var path = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
            var indexX = 0;
            var indexY = 0;
            if (!_boundaryConstraintStart)
                //find the starting element with lowest cost
                var min = double.PositiveInfinity;
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(_xLen, _yLen); i++)
                    if (i < _xLen && _pathCost[i][0] < min)
                        indexX = i;
                        indexY = 0;
                        min = _pathCost[i][0];
                    if (i < _yLen && _pathCost[0][i] < min)
                        indexX = 0;
                        indexY = i;
                        min = _pathCost[0][i];

            path.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(indexX, indexY));
            while (_boundaryConstraintEnd ? (indexX < _xLen - 1 || indexY < _yLen - 1) : (indexX < _xLen - 1 && indexY < _yLen - 1))
                var stepX = _predecessorStepX[indexX][indexY];
                var stepY = _predecessorStepY[indexX][indexY];

                for (int i = 0; i < stepX.Length; i++)
                    indexX += stepX[i];
                    indexY += stepY[i];
                    path.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(indexX, indexY));
            return path.ToArray();

        public Tuple<int, int>[] GetPath(int[] takeIndex)

            var path = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
            var indexX = 0;
            var indexY = 0;
            if (!_boundaryConstraintStart)
                //find the starting element with lowest cost
                var min = double.PositiveInfinity;
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(_xLen, _yLen); i++)
                    if (i < _xLen && _pathCost[i][0] < min)
                        indexX = i;
                        indexY = 0;
                        min = _pathCost[i][0];
                    if (i < _yLen && _pathCost[0][i] < min)
                        indexX = 0;
                        indexY = i;
                        min = _pathCost[0][i];

            //path.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(indexX, indexY));
            while (_boundaryConstraintEnd ? (indexX < _xLen - 1 || indexY < _yLen - 1) : (indexX < _xLen - 1 && indexY < _yLen - 1))
                var stepX = _predecessorStepX[indexX][indexY];
                var stepY = _predecessorStepY[indexX][indexY];

                for (int i = 0; i < stepX.Length; i++)
                    indexX += stepX[i];
                    indexY += stepY[i];

                    if (takeIndex.Contains(indexX))
                        path.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(indexX, indexY));

            return path.ToArray();

        public int[] GetPath(int[] takeIndex, int takeCount)

            //return new int[1];
            var path = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
            var indexX = 0;
            var indexY = 0;
            if (!_boundaryConstraintStart)
                //find the starting element with lowest cost
                var min = double.PositiveInfinity;
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(_xLen, _yLen); i++)
                    if (i < _xLen && _pathCost[i][0] < min)
                        indexX = i;
                        indexY = 0;
                        min = _pathCost[i][0];
                    if (i < _yLen && _pathCost[0][i] < min)
                        indexX = 0;
                        indexY = i;
                        min = _pathCost[0][i];

            //path.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(indexX, indexY));
            while (_boundaryConstraintEnd ? (indexX < _xLen - 1 || indexY < _yLen - 1) : (indexX < _xLen - 1 && indexY < _yLen - 1))
                var stepX = _predecessorStepX[indexX][indexY];
                var stepY = _predecessorStepY[indexX][indexY];

                for (int i = 0; i < stepX.Length; i++)
                    indexX += stepX[i];
                    indexY += stepY[i];

                    if (takeIndex.Contains(indexX))
                        path.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(indexX, indexY));

            var outValue = path.GroupBy(x => x.Item1).Select(x => x.Skip(x.Count() / 2).First().Item2 + takeCount).ToArray();

            return outValue;


        public double[][] GetDistanceMatrix()
            return _distances;

        public double[][] GetCostMatrix()
            return _pathCost;

        public int XLength
            get { return _xLen; }

        public int YLength
            get { return _yLen; }




/// <summary> /// 距离度量 /// </summary> public enum DistanceMeasure { /// <summary> /// 曼哈顿 /// </summary>…